170916 Closing in on canser 消灭癌症进行中
时间:2022-10-26 13:14 来源:香烟网 作者:佚名 点击:次
黑色加粗+斜体:生词; :自己重点掌握的句型; 在他们有生之年患有癌症:自己翻译后不满的地方 (相比之下,)补译 in on 消灭癌症进行中 will win the .But that is only half the fight. The are stark. 从技术角度来说,科学将在与癌症的对决中获胜。但这并不是对决的全部,相关的数字说明了这一点。 the lives of 8.8 in 2015, only heart more . 40% of will be told they have their . 2015年有880万人死于癌症,因癌死亡人数仅次于心脏病。有大约40%的美国人将被告知,在他们有生之年患有癌症。 It is a in than . But the do not begin to the fear by 's and . Only 's a grip on the . 生词: [mə'leriə]--a that fever and (= of the body) by the bite of some types of [ɪm'plækəb(ə)l]--that be ['mjut(ə)ni]--the act of to obey the of sb in , by or 不服从,反抗 译文: 在非洲,因癌症死亡的人数比疟疾还多。But the do not begin to the fear by 's and 。在这一点上,只有帕金森可以跟癌症相提并论。 with this sort of enemy, focus on the of that will a cure.Their hope is not . has more and more in owing to a host of , from to . The five-year rate of in has , from 34% of mid-1970s to 63% in 2016-12. is home to 15.5m , the that will grow to 20m in the next ten years. have made big gains, too: in part of and South , the rate for and has by as much as a fifth in only a . 生词: 遗传测序 ['prɑ.steɪt]--a small organ in men, near the , that a in which sperm is 译文: 面对癌症这类劲敌,人们都对科学突破给予厚望戒烟激活癌细胞,希望有朝一日能够癌症能够被完全治愈。他们的希望并不是毫无根据。近几十年以来,无论是在基因测序还是目标治疗法上,都取得了大量进展,这些进展使得癌症的存活率不断提高。在美国,1970年代时5年为期的存活率由仅为34%,在2016年12月 这个数字增加到了63%,几乎增加了一倍。全美有155万的癌症幸存者,并且在下一个十年内,这一数字讲达到200万。发展中国家也取得了重大进步:在中美和南美的部分地区,在仅仅十年间,前列腺和乳腺癌的存活率大幅增加了20%。 From a , it is to that will one day turn most into or onces. But is not only in a lab. It is also in a 's , in , in - , and in .The from these are much less . 生词: 慢性病 --to send sb/sth , for a 译文: 单纯从技术角度看,期待着有一天科技能够把大多数种类的癌症都转化成慢性病,或者彻底治愈癌症。但是与癌症斗争的战场,不仅仅局限于实验室中。其他的战场包括手术台,学校,公共卫生系统和政府部门。而来自这些战场的战报,就没有那么鼓舞人心了。 Cell-side 细胞方面的进展 First, the good news. early, many are now .Three out of four man who a - in early of 1970s did not live for five years, today four out of five do. Other , such as those of lung, and brain, are to find and treat. But as our in this issue shows, is being made. to early a to on the , blood tests can track of DNA shed from . makes it ever to new drug . 生词: ['pæŋkriəs]--an organ near the that and a that helps the body to food 技术季刊 译文: 先说好消息。如果发现的早,现在很多癌症的治愈率是很高的。1970年代的英国,75%的前列腺癌患者活不过5年,现在80%的患者在确诊之后可以活到5年以上。像肺癌、胰腺癌和脑癌等其他癌症,其发现和治愈则更加困难。但正如我们这期技术季刊的资料显示,(治疗癌症)已经取得了一些进步。 技术的发展诞生了可以在早期通过检测呼吸来确诊癌症的设备,追踪从肿瘤脱落的DNA碎片的血液测试。基因测序使得确定新药物目标变得更容易。 The trio of 20th- - , and are all still . can creat webs of gamma rays, whose doses high to kill but which do less to as they enter and leave the body. Some drugs the of blood to ; other cells' own DNA- kits. can be , so too the . 生词: 扼杀,节气门 译文: [rɪ'lentləs]--not or less / to give up or be less or 20世纪用于治疗癌症的三部曲-手术、放射和化疗方面的进步仍在持续。放射治疗医师可以利用玛咖射线网来进行治疗。这些网络的交织点可以提供足以杀死肿瘤细胞剂量的射线,并且在射线扫过人体的时候,造成的损害更少。有些新药可以限制向肿瘤细胞供应养分的血管增长;其他药物可以破坏癌症细胞的DNA修复工具包。癌症的破坏不停,科技的进步不止。 The is for , a new that has in the past few years. The human is with a set of that cells are able to , the first in the , white blood cells to the . It is early days, but in a small of its has long-term that are take to cures. Well over 1,000 of such are under way, a wide range of of . It is now even to cells to fight by their ; the first such was for use in last month. 生词: [ˈtæntəˌmaʊnt]-- the same bad as sth else 相等的 免疫医疗 子集 等于,相似 译文: 最令人兴奋的是免疫医疗领域,这是仅今年才出现的。人体的免疫细胞有一套类似闸口的机制,这套机制可以被癌细胞激活,首例免疫医疗使闸口失效,同时激活血液中的白细胞去攻击癌细胞。早期的时候,病人身体的一部分,机制,已经长期缓和,相当于采取了治疗了手段。有超过1000个这类医疗实验正在进行,范围涵盖了大量不同种类的癌症。现在甚至可以通过重新编辑基因,重组基因细胞来更好的对抗癌症;上个月,首例这类医疗案例已经在美国实验成功。 Yet need not to wait for the of to have a today. rich and poor , the . Men die at far rates than women in some , at level of , they do well. The five year rate for a set of three in and is above 70%, 64%, where a mere 52%. exist the , too. does well in its , but in . The death of black men from all is 24% than it is for white males; - death rates among are 42% than for . A in rural is than one in its . 译文: 癌症患者没有必要期待未来的治疗手段。癌症的幸存率在发达国家和欠发达国家的差别很大。有些国家,男性的患病死亡率比女性高出很多;而在经济发展水平类似的条件下,幸存率的性格差别并不大--还是都很好?。在美国和加拿大,3种常见癌症的五年幸存率超过70%,德国为64%,英国将近52%。同一个国家内部也存在差异。总体来讲,美国的治疗效果很好,但从结果上看,仍然差别很大。相比白人男性来说,统计所有癌症数据的结果显示,美国黑人男性的死亡率要高出24%;对黑人女性来说,乳腺癌的死亡率比白人高出42%。美国农村确诊癌症后的死亡率比城市更高。 as well as 实用性和开阔性结合 are a of -care : more than half of radio- in low-and-- do not have to . But big do not good . and do not and on care as a of GDP, but past show wide in all . 生词: 变异 译文: 从某种程度上说,国家间的差异也反应了医疗花费的去向:中低收入国家中 一半以上需要放射治疗的患者无法接受治疗。但是,哪怕医疗预算充足也无法保证满意的治疗效果。从医疗占国家GPD的比例来看,冰岛和葡萄牙的费用没有高过英国和丹麦,但过去的研究显示,其多种癌症的治愈率都比后两国要高。 , the is often how money is spent, not how much of it there is. To take one , a the human (HPV), which of the in women, as well as of the head and neck. a of in 2011, and aims to by 2020. Other are far less . could help in 120,000 women each year. 生词: /'sɜːvɪks/ 子宫 /ˌpæpi'ləumə'vaiərəs/ 乳头瘤病毒 /ɪ'rædɪkeɪt/ 摧毁,完全根除 定期接种疫苗 译文: 相反,问题的关键在于医疗费用的花费方式,而不是花了多少。比如,有一种治疗乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的疫苗,这种疫苗会导致女性患子宫癌,及头颈部癌症。卢旺达在2011年开始了定期接种疫苗的计划,目标是在2020年前根除子宫癌。(相比之下,)其他国家的医疗政策远没有这么系统化。 疫苗注射每年可以防止120,000例子宫癌病例发生。 are not . More can be done to which (and ) work best. A £1.3bn($2bn) -drug fund in , which make new to , did not the of the drugs it -- a huge . the and of , , where are being . to care , too: the of whose were was . And the best cure of all. to rein in use 22m (many of them to ) 2008 and 2014. Yet only a tenth of the world's lives in where taxes make up at least three- of the price of , as by World . 生词: /'ɪnsɪd(ə)ns/发生率, 影响范围 enact/ɪ'nækt/制定(法律); 通过(法案) rein/reɪn/n. 缰绳;驾驭;统治;支配;vt. 勒住;驾驭;控制;vi. 勒住马 /'efɪkəsɪ/ 功效 avert/ə'vɜːt/vt. 防止, 避免 译文: 执政者并不是束手无策。关于验证哪种治疗方式(以及治疗组合)最好,还有很多工作要做。英国有总量为130亿英镑(200亿美元)的癌症药物基金,使得患者可以更容易地买到昂贵的癌症新药,但却没有对药效进行评估,错失了重大机会。通过癌症患者注册信息来评估癌症药效和治愈率,能够找到治疗失败的原因。医疗的普及率也很关键:美国关于癌症患者已经立法。最佳治疗方案仍然是预防。2008到2014年期间,对烟草的控制挽救了2200万人(其中很多是癌症患者)。但根据WTO的资料,烟草税收占价格30%以上的国家戒烟激活癌细胞,仅占世界人口总人数的10%。 Taxes and are a lot less than - beams and with . But the of are as as the work of . kills of not for want of , but also of bad . 生词: zap/zæp/n. 活力;意志;杀死;震击 vt. 攻击;打败;快速推动 vi. 快速移动 int. 咝!;糟了! /'prəʊtɒn/n. [物]质子 /'æntɪbɒdɪ/n. 抗体 /'teknəukræt/科技主义者 译文: 相比税收和财政预算,遏制肿瘤细胞的质子束河超级抗体更激动人心。但技术官僚的决定跟医生的工作 同等重要。癌症夺去数百万人的生命不单单是为了呼吁科技进步,也为了呼吁政策的改良。 (责任编辑:admin) |