

展览预告 | “报纸



艺术家华庆 韩鸿阳 黄奕维 梁姝妮 王嘉成 王廉子 王小双 章逸雄 张正一

Qing, Han , Huang Yiwei, Liang Shuni, Wang , Wang , Wang , Zhang , Zhang

展期 2021.4.10 - 2021.5.31, 10:00-22:00

地点 芳草地画廊北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号 侨福芳草地 B座LG2-K-14()

Green Art, No. K-14, LG2 Floor, B Tower, Green ,No. 9 Road, , , China ()



由于每十人中约有一人识字,报纸并不普及香烟展览,反而更多地用来卷烟 —— 细长的、质地上乘的香烟。



Green Art is that the group , open on , 2021., a in , the of Gulf , in Papua New , can only be by boat, or by . still use hand-made and : grass , , and body . The of Papua New them with care and a basic ( that, the rate was one death per three live ). In , , every five years, to the of the Papua New . This is the only them and the world: they do not know any other in the world.

Given the fact that among just one in ten is , are not , and they are used to make long and .

and as fil rouge of the show, the to life which is with and . has “time of Time" to the “time of ”, to a new world of . Is life more than life? We are by , life is the only that and . Maybe, if we just focus on out our with sky, , , we might find our and .


“报纸,香烟”展览现场 View ,


芳草地画廊 Green Art

开放时间:全年开放 10:00-22:00

Hours: Every day 10:00-22:00

【媒体垂询 I Media 】Tel: (8610) 5662 8257E-mail:


